Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.



Everything you need to know


When: Each day (M-Th) between 6:30-7:30pm

Where: At a TOP SECRET location that will change each day

Sunday, June 21st: Stop by Bethlehem's parking lot from 5-6pm. You'll receive your welcome kit to get you ready for the race to begin on Monday! Families will be invited to take a picture together at the starting line and receive a popsicle to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week.

Monday-Thursday, June 22nd-25th: Each day of VBS a video and Google form will be emailed out to all participants at 9 am. The video will introduce the day's theme give you three clues to find our location. Once you've figured out our location, join us there and pick up your bin with all the materials you'll need for your three challenges. The Google Form will include videos to explain each of our challenges as well as a place to share a response or the time it took to complete your challenge. Whether you’re participating at home or live, we’ll keep a leaderboard using your responses, just like in the show Amazing Race! When you’re done, return your bin to Anna so it can be used for the next day’s challenges.

You may be wondering: what if, even after hearing the clues, your family can’t find our daily location? Just text Anna at 507-213-9276 and we’ll make sure you get to the right place.

While you’re participating, please take photos and share them in our Facebook group: BLC Children, Youth, and Families!


When: Each day (M-Th) after 9am.

Where: At the place of your choosing! You’ll want space to spread out for some activities.

Sunday, June 21st: Stop by Bethlehem's parking lot from 5-6pm. You'll receive your welcome kit to prepare for the race to begin on Monday. Unlike the Live Track, you'll also get all of your materials for the week in one big bin on Sunday.

You'll get to complete one of your first challenges at the starting line by signing all of the group t-shirts before the rest of the group on Monday. Kids will be able to prep their t-shirt for tie-dyeing. However, if you prefer not to sign or prep the shirts, that's okay.

Families will be invited to take a picture together at the starting line and receive a popsicle to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week.

Monday-Thursday, June 22nd-25th: Each day of VBS a video and Google form will be emailed out to all participants at 9 am. The videos will introduce the day's theme and give you a riddle to solve before you begin your race. Once you've figured out the riddle, you’ll complete the challenges and record your response and/or the time it took you to complete an activity. Videos will be shared each morning to explain each challenge before you complete them. Your responses and/or completion times will be shared in the Google form each day. Whether you’re participating at home or live, we’ll keep a leaderboard, just like in the show Amazing Race!

Anna will dye kids’ t-shirts and get them back to you on Thursday or Friday. Anna will be in touch to swap your bin for your shirt.

While you’re participating at home, please take photos and share your experience with us in our Facebook group: BLC Children, Youth, and Families!

Each Day You’ll Need

  • A phone or laptop with internet access. You’ll need it to watch videos that explain each challenge, play our Amazing (G)Race playlist on the way to or during VBS. and record your responses or your time to complete an event.

  • The materials in your bin. Live track will pick up and return bins at our location each day.

  • Good walking shoes, as some activities will include a bit of walking.

  • A water bottle, especially if you’re joining us for the live track.

  • Spotify or YouTube access. We have a playlist for you to listen to on your way to and from VBS. If you prefer a CD, please let Anna know ASAP and she’ll include it in your welcome kit.

Together in Spirit Track Only

  • Some of your own summer supplies like pool noodles, big sticks, cones, etc. You can be creative with what you have on hand.

Live Track Only

  • A mask & respect of others’ boundaries. We know it is nearly impossible for kids to wear masks, but please talk to them about washing hands and respecting others’ boundaries before you come. As adults, I encourage you to wear a mask and/or keep a safe distance.

  • Sunscreen and bug spray. We will be outside and it is summer, after all.

  • Snacks. (Optional) To reduce contact, we will only have popsicles on Sunday and ice cream treats at our finale on Thursday.

  • To go to the bathroom at home before you come. Bathrooms may or may not be open/available at our locations. When/if they are available, you may want to do all that you can to refrain from using them, as they are a place that the Covid-19 can easily spread.

  • Hand sanitizer. (Optional) We will have some on hand along with disinfecting wipes, but you may want to bring your own as well.


We can't wait

to see you!

Omega the Otter wants to remind you that the Amazing (G)Race is an adventurous, family-centered, and socially-distanced VBS. This means activities will be lead by families with support from our challenge videos in explaining each activity. For the live track, you’ll also be asked to keep a safe physical distance (6 ft is recommended) from those not in your group. Please do your best to respect the boundaries of others. Please help us by sanitizing any material that may be shared with others not in your group.

VBS Offering

We’re collecting non-perishable goods to share with our community through our Blessings Box and ECHO Food Shelf. Families can bring donations on Sunday when you pick up your welcome kit or on Thursday as we wrap up.