Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.


 Serving Group Registration and Donations


February 24, 2022 

To All Congregation Members: 

It is time again to make our annual commitment and donation to the important ministry of serving our members in one of their greatest times of need: funerals. We did not send this letter or solicit donations in 2021, as we were closed to funerals for a good portion of the year and the budget was healthy. Our new model (described again below as a reminder) which was planned in 2020 right before the shut-down, was implemented in 2021 and has gone very smoothly so far.

Our greatest hope is that each member of our congregation will serve and give with joy in their hearts, knowing they will be taken care of in kind by the same generosity. To that end, we made three large changes to our Serving Group Ministry in 2020: 

  1. Our Serving Groups will only be asked to serve funerals. Other congregational events will need to be served by the committees/boards/organizations hosting the event. 

  2. Serving Groups will be completely voluntary (see registration form, attached). Those who are unable to commit their time to serving are asked to make a donation to the ministry (suggested amount, $15). Of course, you’re welcome to do both and excused if you can do neither. A letter similar to this one will go out once a year asking for that commitment and/or donation.

  3. Instead of rotating months of service, groups will rotate as needed. If there were a funeral tomorrow, for example, Serving Team 1 might be assigned. Whether the next funeral is the following week or six months from now, Team 2 would take the next one. We have five regular teams and a sixth team asked only to supplement on evenings and weekends. 

Please complete the registration/donation form on the back of this letter by Sunday, April 3rd. If you return it to the church office, please put it in Emily Heinis’ inbox. If you mail it, please address it ATTN: Emily Heinis and include your donation with the memo line “Serving Groups.” YOU CAN ALSO COMPLETE IT ONLINE BY GOING TO BLCMANKATO.ORG/SERVING. 

Serving you with joy, 

Donna Engles

Serving Group Chairperson 

(507) 317-0565,