Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.



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Safety & Forms

Best Practices & Expectations

Background Checks

We require all adults who are teaching or leading children and youth to have a background check every three years. For those who are driving youth, we require a background check specific to drivers.

Safe Practices with Children & Youth

  • No lap-sitting

  • Rule of Three: You should not be alone with a child. If you need help with this, ask for a helper or staff member to join you. If you are talking one-on-one make sure it is in an open environment.

  • Open doors: do not cover the glass in your classroom doors. This creates an open atmosphere and allows parents to see their kids when they pick them up.

  • Ask permission to touch or give hugs. We want to honor the personal space of our kids, youth, and fellow leaders.

Children’s Food Allergies

For LIGHT & NightLIGHT (children’s ministry) kids, we will label name tags with a heart sticker for those with food allergies and write a note on the back about their allergy. Parents should remind teachers of the allergy each week, as we often rotate teachers. Families can bring in their own snack if they choose.

Mandated Reporting

  • If a volunteer sees or hears something that alarming, they’re instructed to tell a pastor or staff member. 

  • Volunteers with children & youth are mandated reporters and must report suspected abuse or neglect. A mandated reporter must call immediately, but no later than 24 hours, after they suspect that maltreatment may have occurred. The mandated reporter must follow up with a written report within 72 hours. A report can be made to our local county social service agency or to law enforcement. 

    • Reporting Abuse or Neglect - Immediate Danger: If a volunteer suspects that a child is in immediate danger, such as a recent sexual assault or serious physical assault, or the child is abandoned contact your local law enforcement agency 9-1-1 right away. Law enforcement officers can remove a child from a threatening environment to protect the child. 

    • Reporting Abuse or Neglect - No Immediate Danger: In some situations, maltreatment of a child may be suspected but the child is not in immediate danger. In this case, report to Blue Earth County Human Services at (507) 304-4444.

Fire Safety

Fire maps showing where you are and what direction to go in case of a fire have been placed throughout Bethlehem’s basement and youth room upper level.

Media Release

When you register for educational programming, you will agree to a media release. The media release says that BLC may share appropriate photos or videos of your child participating in our program to tell the story of our church on social media. If you have concerns with this, we ask you to talk to Anna ( to make sure we can protect your child’s privacy, especially if it’s for their safety.

Required Forms

Our programming offers many opportunities for children and youth to engage in fun activities off-site from our church building. This form is required to ensure all parties are kept safe.