Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

Weekly Email, Jan. 24

January 24, 2022

In observance of Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Sunday on January 30, 2022, we will have rainbow donuts and an adult forum on our progress and future as an open and affirming church. Please join us following worship.

The Mankato YMCA has a new program for seniors (55+) and they want you to try it...FREE! ForeverWell is a wellness program for active older adults promoting activities, education, healthy lifestyles, social well-being, and volunteerism. Find out if it's for you by grabbing one of the free passes off the bulletin board in the narthex (ten available, first-come, first-served).

The Sunday adult forums are jam-packed! Discussions, celebrations, presentations…they’ve got it all. Read all about it on the Adult Ed page of our website, and check out the Free Press article about our Feb. 6th presenters:

The Strategic Planning Committee invites you for a “Day of Norms” on Feb. 6th at 4pm. Read all the details on the blog. 


Friend to Bethlehem and the entire community, Dave Brave Heart was recently diagnosed with ALS. Please consider attending the benefit on Feb. 19 or making a donation to the silent auction or a monetary donation. Full details on the blog.


LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to provide and serve food to our students at Minnesota State University-Mankato through Campus Ministries Lunch for a Buck program. We are committed to providing a meal and serving on the 1st Tuesday of every month from February through May 2022. If you are interested in providing a hot meal, side dish and dessert, please contact Sandra Abild at 507-382-6867.


On December 21, the Church Council reviewed the data collected in the recent worship survey and determined the best action at this time would be to move worship to 9:30am on Sunday mornings. This change will occur on February 6, 2022.

Offering envelopes for 2022
will be available in the narthex starting mid-December.  Numbers will no longer be assigned.  Envelopes are dated as usual, but please put your name on your envelope when you make a contribution.  Our current contribution system is name driven and does not use envelope numbers.  Those who give electronically do not need to take envelopes.  Any questions can be addressed to Elizabeth in the church office or by email at   

The January Mission Partner is House of Hope. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.
Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter yet another busy season, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Weekly Email, Jan. 18

January 18, 2022

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton acknowledges that we have a long way to go to dismantle structural and institutional racism, and that “we are actively wrestling with the ways the sin of racism shows up in our lives together as a church. We also know that grace gives us the freedom to face our sin.” Please watch her 3-minute video message:

If you have additional time, we also recommend watching a reading of "The Letter from a Birmingham Jail" read by ELCA African descent pastors.Thank you African Descent Lutheran Association and Metro D.C. Synod, ELCA!


The Sunday adult forums are jam-packed! Discussions, celebrations, presentations…they’ve got it all. Read all about it on the Adult Ed page of our website, and check out the Free Press article about our Feb. 6th presenters:


The Strategic Planning Committee invites you for a “Day of Norms” on Feb. 6th at 4pm. Read all the details on the blog. 


Friend to Bethlehem and the entire community, Dave Brave Heart was recently diagnosed with ALS. Please consider attending the benefit on Feb. 19 or making a donation to the silent auction or a monetary donation. Full details on the blog.


LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to provide and serve food to our students at Minnesota State University-Mankato through Campus Ministries Lunch for a Buck program. We are committed to providing a meal and serving on the 1st Tuesday of every month from February through May 2022. If you are interested in providing a hot meal, side dish and dessert, please contact Sandra Abild at 507-382-6867.


On December 21, the Church Council reviewed the data collected in the recent worship survey and determined the best action at this time would be to move worship to 9:30am on Sunday mornings. This change will occur on February 6, 2022.

At the blood drive on Dec. 23, Bethlehem exceeded its donation goal. Six members of Bethlehem were among the donors, with Carol Malone manning the snacks and Mary Bliesmer coordinating it all. The blood shortage in our country prompted Amazon to donate $250 to every drive that meets its goal, so Mary will be sharing that gift with the church. Thanks to all involved and keep donating when you can!
Offering envelopes for 2022
will be available in the narthex starting mid-December.  Numbers will no longer be assigned.  Envelopes are dated as usual, but please put your name on your envelope when you make a contribution.  Our current contribution system is name driven and does not use envelope numbers.  Those who give electronically do not need to take envelopes.  Any questions can be addressed to Elizabeth in the church office or by email at   

The January Mission Partner is House of Hope. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.
Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter yet another busy season, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment
A Message from our friend Dave Brave Heart

Dear Friend, 

Dave Brave Heart has long supported the community. He has worked across the community on reconciliation efforts, helps lead and organize the annual Mahkato Wacipi Pow-Wow event, which is celebrating 50 years in 2022, and serves as an advisor to many organizations to help ensure information about the Dakota is accurate. He helped earn recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day in October. 

Now, Dave needs your support. He was diagnosed with ALS, which will progressively get worse and weaken his muscle system to the point of impacting his ability to walk, talk and eat. An important area of need is making his family home handicap accessible. To do so, significant improvements are needed, including the addition of a sunroom, which will enable him to enter and exit the home with ease. 

A benefit is being held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 19 (in case of implement weather it will be Saturday, February 26). Native American Indian Tacos, Fry Bread and Wojapi (berry pudding) will be available for purchase and there is a silent auction.

Funds will help make the Brave Heart home handicap accessible, including a sunroom and

electronic wheelchair lift so he can enter the home with ease, and a handicap accessible van.

Please consider contributing to help Dave Brave Heart:

Silent Auction items

Contact: Julie Dempster

507-514-2921 or

Drop off: 112 Manchester Ct, Mankato, MN 56001



Mail or bring checks to:

Minnesota Valley Federal Credit Union (Mankato)

1640 Adams St. 100 Memorial View Ct.

Ten percent of the proceeds will be donated to the ALS Association to help continue the important research needed in understanding and managing ALS. 

Thank you for consideration and support. 


Sara and Dave Brave Heart and Family

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Strategic Planning "Day of Norms" on Feb. 6!

Come to the Day of Norms! (No, not that Norm!).

How does Bethlehem do what we do? What are the unwritten and unspoken rules, or norms, that we live by?

On Sunday, February 6, from 4-6 p.m., we will gather in the lower level dining room to discuss Bethlehem's norms in our life together as part of our strategic planning process. It will be fun, informational, and helpful in guiding our goals and aspirations for the next four years. There will be treats and child care provided. Come and join us in shaping Bethlehem's future!

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Weekly Email, Jan. 10

January 10, 2022

We hope to see you at Connections next week, as we begin our third week of service on January 17. Like everyone, Connections has felt the effects of loss of volunteers and workers. Please volunteer if you are healthy and feel safe. Sign up to bring and/or serve a meal here: Sign up to be a morning greeter here:

On December 21, the Church Council reviewed the data collected in the recent worship survey and determined the best action at this time would be to move worship to 9:30am on Sunday mornings. This change will occur on February 6, 2022. 

At the blood drive on Dec. 23, Bethlehem exceeded its donation goal. Six members of Bethlehem were among the donors, with Carol Malone manning the snacks and Mary Bliesmer coordinating it all. The blood shortage in our country prompted Amazon to donate $250 to every drive that meets its goal, so Mary will be sharing that gift with the church. Thanks to all involved and keep donating when you can!
The VITA tax prep program
which operates out of Grounds for Joy January-April is in need of phone volunteers. No interaction with clients or any tax experience necessary. You simply set the appointments. Shifts are M-F 8:30-12:30 or 12:30-4:30, and you can make your own hours. If you have some time to spare and are comfortable on the phone, please call Ginger Klenk at (507) 387-5707.
Offering envelopes for 2022
will be available in the narthex starting mid-December.  Numbers will no longer be assigned.  Envelopes are dated as usual, but please put your name on your envelope when you make a contribution.  Our current contribution system is name driven and does not use envelope numbers.  Those who give electronically do not need to take envelopes.  Any questions can be addressed to Elizabeth in the church office or by email at   

The Adult Education Board is happy to announce their new equipment in Grounds for Joy. Read more on the blog.

The January Mission Partner is House of Hope. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.

Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter yet another busy season, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Weekly Email, Jan. 3

January 3, 2022

We hope to see you immediately following Laurie's Party down in the dining room for a presentation from the Strategic Planning Committee: A Day of Remembering. As we recall God's faithfulness in the past, we are reassured of God's presence today, and of god's promise for out future. Join is at 10:30am to recall in our memories and stories how God has been faithful to Bethlehem. Come and share as we discern where God is leading us.  
On December 21, the Church Council reviewed the data collected in the recent worship survey and determined the best action at this time would be to move worship to 9:30am on Sunday mornings. This change will occur on February 6, 2022. 

At the blood drive on Dec. 23, Bethlehem exceeded its donation goal. Six members of Bethlehem were among the donors, with Carol Malone manning the snacks and Mary Bliesmer coordinating it all. The blood shortage in our country prompted Amazon to donate $250 to every drive that meets its goal, so Mary will be sharing that gift with the church. Thanks to all involved and keep donating when you can!
The VITA tax prep program
which operates out of Grounds for Joy January-April is in need of phone volunteers. No interaction with clients or any tax experience necessary. You simply set the appointments. Shifts are M-F 8:30-12:30 or 12:30-4:30, and you can make your own hours. If you have some time to spare and are comfortable on the phone, please call Ginger Klenk at (507) 387-5707.
Offering envelopes for 2022
will be available in the narthex starting mid-December.  Numbers will no longer be assigned.  Envelopes are dated as usual, but please put your name on your envelope when you make a contribution.  Our current contribution system is name driven and does not use envelope numbers.  Those who give electronically do not need to take envelopes.  Any questions can be addressed to Elizabeth in the church office or by email at   

The Adult Education Board is happy to announce their new equipment in Grounds for Joy. Read more on the blog.
The January Mission Partner is House of Hope. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.

Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter the busyness of fall, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment
January Monthly Mission: House of Hope

Bethlehem's January monthly mission is House of Hope, an integrated residential and nonresidential treatment service facility for adults for ongoing recovery from substance use and mental health disorders. The House of Hope, Inc. serves 26 county regions using a holistic philosophy and habilitative approach to recovery. The House of Hope, Inc. serves men and women programs through individual therapy sessions, trauma-based therapy and medication management. Their goal is to provide client centered treatment, reduce treatment barriers through scholarship funds, and support recovery through peer support specialists in addition to living skills development. We hope that Bethlehem members will support this very important service to our community friends struggling with mental health and substance use issues during the month of January. Thank you for your generosity and prayers.

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Weekly Email, Dec. 20

December 20, 2021

We hope to see you on Christmas Eve at 4pm or 6pm, either in-person or online! We have decided to livestream both Christmas Eve services, so you can appreciate the different musicians at each.

Offering envelopes for 2022 will be available in the narthex starting mid-December.  Numbers will no longer be assigned.  Envelopes are dated as usual, but please put your name on your envelope when you make a contribution.  Our current contribution system is name driven and does not use envelope numbers.  Those who give electronically do not need to take envelopes.  Any questions can be addressed to Elizabeth in the church office or by email at   

Save the date to celebrate Laurie!!! 
The Adult Education Board is happy to announce their new equipment in Grounds for Joy. Read more on the blog.

Your congregation is invited to join us at the Minnesota State men’s and women’s basketball games on Sunday, Jan. 2nd  as they battle Concordia St. Paul in the Taylor Center on the campus of Minnesota State University!  To purchase your discounted tickets ($5 for adults, $2.50 for youth (18-under)) and  for more information, please go to
The December Mission Partner is ELCA Good Gifts. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.
Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter the busyness of fall, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.



Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment
Weekly Email, Dec. 13

December 13, 2021

The Forcier Family led us in JOY yesterday for week three of Advent.  


Working hard or hardly working! These kids are preparing materials for the Wednesday night Instant Christmas Program! We hope you'll join us for both kids' programs (they're different!) this Wednesday, Dec. 15 and Sunday, Dec. 19. 

It's the return of LEFSE! Pick up Friday, Dec. 17 at 12pm or Sunday, Dec. 19 at 10am. Still a few orders left! Do you want to order some? Click here!

The Adult Education Board is happy to announce their new equipment in Grounds for Joy. Read more on the blog.
We are hiring! The Music Director position is open and applications are being accepted until Dec. 17. Learn more at
The next Red Cross Blood Drive
at Bethlehem is Dec. 23. Please sign up to give at
The December Mission Partner is ELCA Good Gifts. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.

Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter the busyness of fall, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.


Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:


News & Updates:

Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world."

Bethlehem LutheranComment