November 1, 2021
Today is All Saints Day. Who do you remember today? We give thanks for all the saints who have influenced our lives, faith and vocational decisions. We pray for all grieving the loss of someone significant in their lives, that they will be comforted by God and know that they are not alone in their grief.
Join us on Sunday for a reading of the names of the saints of Bethlehem who have joined their Lord in heaven this past year.
The November Mission Partner is Holy Grounds. You can learn more on the blog. Donate here.
The Fair Trade Committee is excited to celebrate with the City of Mankato for being a Fair Trade City for 10 years. Please join the community with events all month, including a bazaar here at Bethlehem on Nov. 7th. See the blog for more details.
A Note from the Stewardship Board: Relationships are what stewardship is all about. There are times of scarcity and abundance in all our lives, and stewardship calls us to creatively use God's gifts to follow Jesus' command to love God and our neighbor. Stewardship is a commitment of time and talents--and if necessary, money.
Save the Date for the Fall Semi-Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 14 immediately after the worship service. The council forum to answer questions about the budget is the Sunday before, Nov. 7, so please come to both if you have questions.
Please remember our current mask policy: As we enter the busyness of fall, a reminder that in accordance with current CDC COVID-19 guidelines, Bethlehem requires masks for all public gatherings inside the building, including worship and Wednesday night events, during times of substantial or high levels of community transmission. Private gatherings of small groups, where all participants are fully vaccinated, may continue to remove their masks.
Are you a member of our Facebook group? We post needs, news, and other fun things there, and you're encouraged to share as well. Check it out:
News & Updates:
Church Calendar:
"Every person supports a cause. It may not be our cause, but that's OK. See what's going on in your church and in your community and get involved with something that touches your heart. Think about it, pray about it and then just do it. Live beyond yourself." --Living Lutheran, Sept. 2021
"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation