Growing in Christ, Loving our Neighbors, Serving God's world.

the BLC blog

news & updates

June Mission Partner: Lutheran World Relief

LWR is a non-profit organization that focuses on disaster relief/ recovery and offers many different services to the poor in 30-35 countries. Today, LWR helps communities living in extreme poverty adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well being and responds to emergencies with a long-term view. Bethlehem has long supported this organization by volunteers sewing quilts and assembling school kits. Volunteers take the completed quilts and school kits to a LWR warehouse in South St. Paul, where they are packaged and loaded into shipping containers for Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. One of the ways a financial contribution helps LWR is for shipping costs. It costs on average about $2.25 for a quilt and $1.40 for a school kit to be shipped from the U.S. to a designated country. The total spent by LWR for shipping kits and quilts exceeds $1.3 million per year. For more information, go to

Make a donation here or by sending a check to the church, memo line "June Mission."

Weekly Email, June 1
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June 1, 2021

Pictured is our guest preacher this week, Rev. Lisa Kipp. She works with Lutheran World Relief, our June Monthly Mission partner. Read more about her work on the blog.

Bethlehem is honored to receive the 2020 Servant of Christ Award from LSS. Enjoy the video and find out more about it here.

We are hiring again! There is a weekend/evening janitor position available. Learn more and apply on the website.

This is the last week of school for Mankato! Congrats to our graduates, who will be honored on Sunday, and to all our school-aged members. Well done! Join Miss Anna for a school's out park play time with cool treats this Friday, June 4th at Highland Park at 4pm.

The Drewitz Family invites you to Jack's graduation party this Saturday, June 5th from 1-3pm in Grounds for Joy. Come for cake and coffee, as you have been an important part of Jack's faith journey.

Pride Month is upon us and ReconcilingWorks, our partners in our RIC ministry, is leading the parade! Find out more here.

Please wear your name tags when you come to church, so Pr. Kristin can learn your names. See the updated look here.

Want to sing along at home? We have takien the lyrics off the screen, but you're welcome to arrange pick-up with the office if you'd like to borrow a hymnal. Information on the blog.

The ALS Walk has been scheduled for September 11. It is a statewide walk, but Bethlehem still has a team and encourages fundraising. Find out more, including a link to donate, on the blog.

It's time to register for summer fun! DEADLINE FOR VBS IS THIS FRIDAY. Find out more: for Mission: Mankato! Find out more: for VBS!

Our new website and church management system, Breeze, offers so many exciting ways we can streamline our communication with you. Using Breeze to send you weekly updates is one of the ways we can keep our email list consistent and accurate (it also saves time and money!).

Additionally, our new website features a "News & Updates" blog, which you can follow right from the home page ( By including all the details there, you can easily reference it at any time.

News & Updates:

The website also integrates the Events Calendar from Breeze. You can view the calendar and event descriptions on the website, but you can also check into worship and register for events by using your own Breeze account (don't have one yet? Contact Emily in the office).

Church Calendar:

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

June 1 Prayers .png
We are pleased to welcome Rev. Lisa Kipp!

We are pleased to welcome Rev. Lisa Kipp as our guest preacher on Sunday, June 6th, 2021.

Rev. Kipp leads the congregational engagement team at Lutheran World Relief. In her role, she connects congregations across the United States with LWR’s work of bringing lifesaving aid and long-term hope to our most vulnerable neighbors around the world. Prior to this role, Rev. Kipp served an ELCA congregation in Rochester, MN, for nearly twenty years. While serving in the parish, she launched a local food truck ministry, guided a partnership with a rural hospital in Tanzania, and led more than 25 service-learning trips to locations in the U.S. and around the world. She continues to live in Rochester with her husband and three teenage sons.

Lutheran World Relief is the June Monthly Mission. You can make a donation by clicking here.

BLC Receives Servant of Christ Award from LSS

We are proud to be one of the 2020 recipients of the Servant of Christ Award for the Southeastern Synod of MN. Because the synod assembly was held online, there was no in-person presentation of the award. LSS has created videos for each synod to share instead. We played this video in service on Sunday, May 30th, but if you missed it, enjoy.

Each year, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota recognizes partnering congregations that are leaders in social ministry and social justice in their community, have a connection to LSS services in their area, and faithfully provide financial support for the service ministry of LSS.

Congregations in each of the six ELCA Synods in Minnesota may be nominated by pastors, staff, congregation members, individuals in the community or LSS employees. Servant of Christ congregations are recognized at their respective Synod assemblies each spring as well as in a presentation directly to the congregation.

Selection criteria includes:

  • The strength, longevity, or richness of the relationship between the congregation and LSS.

  • A powerful connection to a service offered by LSS.

  • Providing extraordinary social ministry leadership in their community, whether or not as part of an LSS service.

  • Financial stewardship to LSS, both through congregational pledging and gifts from individual donors.

Weekly Email, May 25
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May 25, 2021

Pride Month is upon us and ReconcilingWorks, our partners in our RIC ministry, is leading the parade! Find out more here.
Please watch your mailbox this week for an important congregational letter. Make sure to open it and read it.
Please wear your name tags when you come to church, so Pr. Kristin can learn your names. See the updated look here.
Want to sing along at home? We're taking the lyrics off the screen, but you're welcome to arrange pick-up with the office if you'd like to borrow a hymnal. Information on the blog.
The ALS Walk has been scheduled for September 11. It is a statewide walk, but Bethlehem still has a team and encourages fundraising. Find out more, including a link to donate, on the blog.
Adult Education needs your help planning this fall! See their request here.
Please take time to welcome Pastor Kristin Engstrom when you see her in the coming weeks. Pr. Kristin will be with us while Pr. Jay is on sabbatical until August. Read about all she has done before coming home to Mankato on the blog.
May's Monthly Mission is Open Door Health Clinic. You can read about their mission here, and make a donation here or by sending a check to the church, memo line "May Mission." FINAL WEEK!
It's time to register for summer fun! Find out more: for Mission: Mankato! Find out more: for VBS!
Our new website and church management system, Breeze, offers so many exciting ways we can streamline our communication with you. Using Breeze to send you weekly updates is one of the ways we can keep our email list consistent and accurate (it also saves time and money!).

Additionally, our new website features a "News & Updates" blog, which you can follow right from the home page ( By including all the details there, you can easily reference it at any time.

News & Updates:

The website also integrates the Events Calendar from Breeze. You can view the calendar and event descriptions on the website, but you can also check into worship and register for events by using your own Breeze account (don't have one yet? Contact Emily in the office).

Church Calendar:

May 25 Prayers .png

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation

ReconcilingWorks Virtual PRIDE

From ReconcilingWorks, our partners in RIC ministry:

Happy PRIDE! ReconcilingWorks is excited to celebrate the diversity of the LGBTQIA+ community with you this PRIDE season!

Throughout the months in which many of our LGBTQIA+ siblings would be celebrating their fullness through PRIDE parades, parties, and festivities in accompaniment with many of the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) partners such as Bethlehem, ReconcilingWorks will be celebrating virtually this year! There are so many ways they invite you to celebrate our beloved queer siblings - here are just a few ReconcilingWorks invites you to celebrate through for the 2021 PRIDE season.

Would you like to borrow a hymnal?

As we bring back singing to the sanctuary, we will be phasing out the lyrics on-screen. If you are unable to join us in person yet and would like to sing along, please call the office to arrange to pick up a hymnal. We are happy to loan them out. Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9am-4pm. (507) 388-2925

Name Tags are back this week!

The name tags will be back on the brackets this Sunday with an updated look. They will be alphabetized from left to right. It will help everyone if you return it to the same place. Please use your new name tags when you attend church, so Pastor Kristin can learn your names. All current members should have a name tag. If you don’t find yours, please email Emily Heinis. OR, if your name tag is wrong, please also email. Child members do not have name tags, but they will be issued upon request. (They get their own each year in LIGHT/NightLIGHT for program purposes.)

Additionally, we are adding blank name tags to the Welcome Desk, so our visitors can make themselves known if they wish (or if you took yours home last week then forgot it this week, but you’re ushering and you need to wear it!).

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UPDATE to COVID Precautions
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May 20,2021

Dear Bethlehem members,

As many of you know, there were major changes in CDC guidance and our state’s mandates regarding COVID-19 safety procedures last week. Your church council met this Tuesday to discuss these changes, and how Bethlehem will adapt its safety plan in response. We agreed upon the importance of letting go of COVID safety measures slowly, both because we know there are some members (especially children) who cannot be vaccinated, and because we have all suffered trauma during this pandemic and need time to feel safe in large groups again. We will be taking a gradual, month-by-month approach to reducing restrictions on our congregational life, with hopes that moving slowly and deliberately will be best for both our mental and physical health.

So, here are the things that are changing as of Sunday, May 23rd:

  1. We will resume congregational singing, which means we can add pieces of sung liturgy as well as join in singing the hymns we love.

  2. Hymnals will come back into the pews, so that we can begin transitioning back to worship that is not completely dependent on screens. We will still put everything on the screen for the rest of this month, but beginning in June, anything that is in the hymnal will not be duplicated on the screen. If you are still worshipping at home at that time, we invite you to pick up a hymnal from church during the week to use at home. (If you are unable to get to the church, call or email me, and I will drop one off for you.)

  3. We will no longer be concerned with where people are entering and exiting the building and sanctuary for worship, and will remove any unnecessary signage.

Additionally, on Sunday, May 30th, name tags will come back into the narthex, redesigned with our new church logo, and we ask you to use them, especially to assist Pastor Kristin in getting to know you.

There are also a number of things that will remain the same for now:

  1. We will still require mask wearing when entering the building and during all worship services. I remind you that, as of last month, mask wearing in small group meetings within the church is at the discretion of group members, and should include assessment of how many group members are vaccinated.

  2. Social distancing in the sanctuary will still be encouraged, especially because we know that singing disperses airborne particles much more widely than speaking or breathing regularly. 

  3. Avoidance of crowds in the narthex and other gathering areas of the church is still important, though we encourage you to visit with friends and visitors just outside the church.

All other safety measures adopted by previous plans will stay in place for now, and we encourage your feedback to staff and council members about these changes. Council will continue to update our plans every month, and we are all hoping for a return to pre-pandemic congregational life soon. We ask you to be patient as we transition out of our restrictions, and that you continue to care for your neighbors as you are so good at doing.

We also look forward to some outdoor worship Sundays this summer, which will enable many fewer restrictions, and are firming up dates for that now. Again, thank you for being so good about keeping one another safe during this trying year, and for continuing to be patient as we transition to a new normal.

Blessings, Pastor Collette (on behalf of the church council)

Weekly Email, May 18
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May 18, 2021

Please join us this Sunday for a prayer vigil in the park. Learn more and get the link to the Facebook event on the blog.

The ALS Walk has been scheduled for September 11. It is a statewide walk, but Bethlehem still has a team and encourages fundraising. Find out more, including a link to donate, on the blog.

Adult Education needs your help planning this fall! See their request here.

Please take time to welcome Pastor Kristin Engstrom when you see her in the coming weeks. Pr. Kristin will be with us while Pr. Jay is on sabbatical until August. Read about all she has done before coming home to Mankato on the blog.

May's Monthly Mission is Open Door Health Clinic. You can read about their mission here, and make a donation here or by sending a check to the church, memo line "May Mission."

It's time to register for VBS! Find out more:


Our new website and church management system, Breeze, offers so many exciting ways we can streamline our communication with you. Using Breeze to send you weekly updates is one of the ways we can keep our email list consistent and accurate (it also saves time and money!).

Additionally, our new website features a "News & Updates" blog, which you can follow right from the home page ( By including all the details there, you can easily reference it at any time.

News & Updates:

The website also integrates the Events Calendar from Breeze. You can view the calendar and event descriptions on the website, but you can also check into worship and register for events by using your own Breeze account (don't have one yet? Contact Emily in the office).

Church Calendar:

May 18 Prayers .png

"Bethlehem is an inviting community that is growing in Christ, loving our neighbors, and serving God's world." (507) 388-2925
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
720 S. 2nd St. Mankato MN 56001
A Reconciling in Christ Congregation